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Archiv | 21st - 24th February 2018

Life at the Dead Sea

International conference at State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz [smac]

The conference on the Archaeology of the Dead Sea Region is part of the preparation of a major exhibition with the working title “Life at the Dead Sea”. The exhibition, planned to be staged from autumn 2019 in smac, will be the first exhibition on the Dead Sea ever in Germany and Europe, if not the world.
The Dead Sea is not only the lowest point of the earth but confronts humans with a harsh environment. And yet, over many thousands of years people made a living out of the region, built settlements, cities, temples and hid treasures in caves. Sites such as Jericho, Teleilat Ghassul, Bab edh-Drah, Qumran, and Masada are famous.
The conference tries to bring together researchers from different countries in order to discuss the region’s environment, its resources, cultural development and research on the Qumran site.

The conference is open to researchers and students. The conference language is English.

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The Get together on Wednesday evening is kindly supported by


Das Bild zeigt das salzverkrustete Ufer des Toten Meeres. Foto: Martin Peilstöcker

© Martin Peilstöcker